Distribution of educational materials
Distribution of educational materials Although the organization started working with the permission of Bangladesh Human Rights Mission, its name was registered as “World Human Rights Vision” by Joint Stock Company

(Covid 19, 2020) Distribution of food, masks and sanitation
(Covid 19, 2020) Distribution of food, masks and sanitation The outbreak of the Novel Corona Virus Disease or Covid-19 was first detected on 31 December 2019 in the Wuhan Province

Distribution of blankets among helpless people
Distribution of blankets among helpless people In winter, a visit to the city’s alleys and remote villages late at night shows the extreme suffering and misery the underprivileged people have

Medical assistance to poor people
Medical assistance to poor people “World Human Rights Vision” always stands by the helpless and underprivileged people. Medical care is a fundamental right of a citizen. And the leaders of

Distribution of food, Iftar and Eid materials among the underprivileged
Distribution of food, Iftar and Eid materials among the underprivileged The slogan of “World Human Rights Vision” is “Beside the underprivileged”. Eid means happiness; Eid means joy – but this

Legal Aid / Arbitration Proceedings
Legal Aid / Arbitration Proceedings “World Human Rights Vision” has been playing a supportive role in helping the helpless and underprivileged people to get justice through free legal aid and

Celebrating Human Rights Day
Celebrating Human Rights Day On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to protect and promote human rights worldwide. This declaration recognizes

International day celebration
International day celebration The “World Human Rights Vision” is not limited to rights activities. The national and international days are also celebrated in honor of those who have made important